1. Thomas, Veronica L., Kendra Fowler, and Faa Taheran (2024), “How Social Media Influencer Collaborations are Perceived by Consumers,” Psychology & Marketing, 41 (1), 168-83.
2. Fowler, Kendra & Veronica L. Thomas (2023), “Influencer Marketing: A Scoping Review and a Look Ahead,” Journal of Marketing Management, 39 (11-12), 933-64.
3. Thomas, Veronica L., Dora E. Bock, & Heath McCullough (2023), “Examining Consumer Reactions to Sincere Brands’ Gratitude Expressions: When a Simple Thank You Just Won’t Do,” International Journal of Advertising, 42 (3), 518-41.
4. Bock, Dora & Veronica L. Thomas (2023), “Too Exciting to Care: When Expressing Gratitude is Detrimental to the Brand,” Journal of Advertising, 52 (2), 211-28.
5. Thomas, Veronica L., Stephanie Mangus, & Dora E. Bock (2023), “Would You Do Me a Favor? How Salesperson Favor Requests Positively Affect Consumers’ Perceptions of Negotiations,” Journal of Business Research, 155, 113455.
6. Thomas, Veronica L. & Kendra Fowler (2023), “Examining the Outcomes of Influencer Activism,” Journal of Business Research, 154, 113336.
7. Thomas, Veronica L., Hooman Mirahmad, & Grace Kemper (2022), “The Role of Response Efficacy and Risk Aversion in Promoting Compliance during Crisis,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56, 1454-74.
8. Thomas, Veronica L. & Kendra Fowler (2021), “Turn the Other Cheek or an Eye for Eye: Exploring Brand-to-Brand Dialogue on Social Media,” Journal of Advertising, 50 (4), 441-60.
9. Bock, Dora, Veronica L. Thomas, Jeremy Wolter, Christina Saenger, & Pei Xu (2021), “An Extended Reciprocity Cycle of Gratitude: How Gratitude Strengthens Existing and Initiates New Customer Relationships,” Psychology & Marketing, 38 (3), 564-76.
10. Duverger, Philippe & Veronica L. Thomas (2021), “The Negative Impact of Deviant Imagery on Consumers’ Intentions to Visit a Tourist Destination,” Services Marketing Quarterly, 42 (3-4), 162-79.
11. Saenger, Christina & Veronica L. Thomas (2021), “How Limited Consumption Experiences Affect Word of Mouth,”Marketing Letters, 32 (2), 149-63.
12. Vinuales, Gema & Veronica L. Thomas (2021), “Not so Social: When Social Media Increases Perceptions of Exclusion and Negatively Affects Attitudes toward Content,” Psychology & Marketing, 38 (2), 313-27.
13. Magnotta, Sarah, Veronica L. Thomas, Erin Steffes, Hua Chang, & Gema Vinuales (2021), “Hook, Line, and Sinker: Catching and Maintaining Students' Attention with Marketing Hooks,” Marketing Education Review, 31 (2). 162-68.
14. Thomas, Veronica L. & Kendra Fowler (2021), “Close Encounters of the AI Kind: Use of AI Influencers as Brand Endorsers,” Journal of Advertising, 50 (1), 11-25.
15. Thomas, Veronica L. & Christina Saenger (2020), “Feeling Excluded? Join the Crowd: How Social Exclusion Affects Approach Behavior toward Consumer-Dense Retail Environments,” Journal of Business Research, 120, 520-28.
16. Thomas, Veronica L., Kendra Fowler, & Christina Saenger (2020), “Celebrity Influence on Word of Mouth: The Interplay of Power States and Power Expectations,” Marketing Letters, 31, 105-20.
17. Saenger, Christina, Veronica L. Thomas, & Dora Bock (2020), “Compensatory Word of Mouth as Symbolic Self-Completion: When Talking about a Brand Can Restore Consumers’ Self-Perceptions after Self-Threat,” European Journal of Marketing, 54 (4), 671-90.
18. Thomas, Veronica L. & Robert D. Jewell (2019), “I Can’t Get You Out of My Head: The Influence of Secrecy on Consumers’ Self-Brand Connections,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29 (3), 463-71.
19. Fowler, Kendra & Veronica L. Thomas (2019), “Beyond Endorsements: The Effect of Celebrity Creative Directors on Consumers’ Attitudes toward the Advertisement,” Psychology & Marketing, 36 (11), 1003-13.
20. Fowler, Kendra & Veronica L. Thomas (2019), “Pay-What-You-Want with Charitable Giving Positively Impacts Retailers,” Journal of Services Marketing, 33 (3), 273-84.
21. Fowler, Kendra, Veronica L. Thomas, & Christina Saenger (2019), “Enhancing Students’ Marketing Information Literacy,” Marketing Education Review, 29 (1), 52-64.
22. Thomas, Veronica L., Sarah R. Magnotta, Hua Chang, & Erin Steffes (2018), “Role-Playing in a Consumption Context: An Experiential Learning Activity Focused on the Consumer Decision Making Process,” Marketing Education Review, 28 (2), 89-97.
23. Yeh, Marie A., Robert D. Jewell, & Veronica L. Thomas (2017), “The Stigma of Mental Illness: Using Segmentation for Social Change,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 36 (1), 97-116.
24. Harris, Judy L. & Veronica L. Thomas (2017), “The Influence of Bundling and Caloric Knowledge on Calories Ordered and Purchase Intent,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 51 (1), 113-32.
25. Thomas, Veronica L., Christina Saenger, & Dora Bock (2017), “Do You Want to Talk about It? When Word of Mouth Alleviates the Psychological Discomfort of Self-Threat,” Psychology & Marketing, 34 (9), 894-903.
26. Thomas, Veronica L. & Gema Vinuales (2017), “Understanding the Role of Social Influence in Piquing Curiosity and Influencing Attitudes and Behaviors in a Social Network Environment,” Psychology & Marketing, 34 (9), 884-93.
27. Thomas, Veronica L. & Christina Saenger (2017), “Promoting or Protecting my Brand: The Identity-Expression and Fear-of-Imitation Conflict,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 34 (1), 66-73.
28. Thomas, Veronica L., Jennifer Wiggins Johnson, & Robert D. Jewell (2016), “The Tangled Web We Weave: Deceptive Consumption Behaviors as a Means to Cope with Identity Threat,” Marketing Theory, 16 (4), 493-512.
29. Thomas, Veronica L. & Kendra Fowler (2016), “Examining the Impact of Brand Transgressions on Consumers’ Perceptions of Celebrity Endorsers,” Journal of Advertising, 45 (4), 377-90.
30. Thomas, Veronica L., Robert D. Jewell, & Jennifer Wiggins Johnson (2015), “Hidden Consumption Behaviour: An Alternative Response to Social Group Influence,” European Journal of Marketing, 49 (3/4), 512-31.
31. Thomas, Veronica L., Marie A. Yeh, & Robert D. Jewell (2015), “Enhancing Valuation: The Impact of Self-Congruence with a Brand on the Endowment Effect,” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 58, 178-85.
32. Fowler, Kendra & Veronica L. Thomas (2015), “Creating a Professional Blog: An Experiential Classroom Exercise for Business Students,” Journal of Marketing Education, 37 (3), 181 -89.
33. Fowler, Kendra & Veronica L. Thomas (2015), “A Content Analysis of Male Roles in Television Advertising: Do Traditional Roles Still Hold?” Journal of Marketing Communications, 21 (5), 356-71.
34. Thomas, Veronica L. & Kendra Fowler (2015), “More Isn't Always Better: Exploring the Influence of Familiarity When Using Multiple Celebrity Endorsers,” Journal of Promotion Management, 21 (2), 207-22.
35. Saenger, Christina, Veronica L. Thomas, & Jennifer Wiggins Johnson (2013), “Consumption-Focused Self-Expression Word of Mouth: A New Scale and Its Role in Consumer Research,” Psychology & Marketing, 30 (11), 959-70.
36. Thomas, Veronica L., Kendra Fowler, & Pamela Grimm (2013), “Conceptualization and Exploration of Attitude toward Disclosures and Its Impact on Perceptions of Manipulative Intent,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 47 (3), 564-87.
37. Thomas, Veronica L., Kendra Fowler, & Richard H. Kolbe (2011), “The Implications of the FTC’s Clear and Conspicuous Standards for the Communication of Credit Card Information to Young Consumers,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 16 (3/4), 195-209.
38. Johnson, Jennifer, Veronica L. Thomas, & Joann Peck (2010), “Do Specialized MBA Programs Cultivate Alumni Relationships and Donations?” Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 20 (1), 1-16.