Secrecy, Social Media, and Sales! My research explores the nuances of consumer behavior, specifically examining the role of social influence in shaping consumers' responses to brands. Social influence, in the context of consumption, takes many forms - friends, family members, social media influencers, marketers, etc. As such, I examine concepts related to secrecy, social media, and sales, but at its core, my research provides insights into how social influence shapes consumer behavior.
My research appears in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Marketing Letters, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Consumer Affairs, European Journal of Marketing, among other prestigious peer-reviewed journals.
I also serve as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Advertising Research and the International Journal of Advertising. I sit on the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Advertising, Psychology & Marketing, and Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice.
Here is an overview of some of my recent articles.
And…don’t forget to take a minute to check out the press section to see how my research has been covered in the popular press.
I Can’t Get You Out of My Head: The Influence of Secrecy on Consumers’ Self–Brand Connections
My co-author and I explore the premise of consumers’ electing to keep their consumption of popular, everyday brands a secret. We first explore the occurrence of secrecy in the context of brand consumption, uncovering ways in which consumers keep their brand consumption a secret and their motives for this behavior. Then, through a series of three subsequent studies, we demonstrate that keeping brand consumption a secret can lead to enhanced self–brand connections through the underlying processes of thought suppression and thought intrusion.
Key takeaway: Keeping brand consumption a secret leads to more thoughts about the brand and, ultimately, a greater liking!
Outlet: Journal of Consumer Psychology
Feeling Excluded? Join the Crowd:How Social Exclusion Affects Approach Behavior toward Consumer-Dense Retail Environments
Does the thought of a crowded shopping mall fill you with dread? If so, your reaction is consistent with traditional findings in the marketing literature- retail crowding leads to a reduction in consumers’ desires to spend time and money. However, what if this is not always the case? We find that individuals who feel socially excluded view crowding positively as it allows them to fulfill their desire to affiliate with others, overcoming the aversive state of exclusion. These consumers express stronger intentions to browse and spend money in crowded retail environments.
Key takeaway: Consumers who feel excluded are more likely to find crowded retail spaces as attractive.
Outlet: Journal of Business Research
Close Encounters of the AI Kind: Use of AI Influencers As Brand Endorsers
Interested in learning more about virtual influencers? We are too! Virtual influencers are digitized social media characters who engage in activities on social media platforms in a manner similar to human social media influencers. My research team was one of the first to publish peer-reviewed findings on the implications of virtual influencers for marketers and consumers. Our research demonstrates that virtual influencers can produce positive brand benefits similar to those resulting from human social media influencer endorsements. We are still discovering new insights on this novel and rapidly developing topic.
Key takeaway: Virtual influencers can be just as effective as human endorsers. But if a virtual influencer commits a transgression, the brand should replace the influencer with a human endorser.
Outlet: Journal of Advertising